“The world is my gym” – Steve Stretton – MGR team member

Do you love bike training? Do you set yourself fitness goals and go the extra mile to achieve them?

Our app is for the strong minded. The determined. The unwavering.

Do not join unless you are prepared to work the hardest you’ve ever worked… train the hardest you’ve ever trained… all to be the best version of yourself you can be. One of the greatest moments in life, is realising that 3 weeks ago, your body couldn’t do what it just did. Pushing your limits to the extreme, waking up to improvement every day.

The difference between your body this week and next week, are what you can do in the seven days in between to achieve your goals.

So, think you have what it takes?

Personal training

Our app is personal training in the very palm of your hand. It plans custom routes based on your current fitness level – with the difficulty updating and adjusting with every new route you complete. It includes workout alarms that will not let you skip training easily, meaning you can plan your day and set markers for how many miles/kilometres you want to achieve within a certain time frame, and what is recommended for your current fitness level, along with a pollution gauge for the area you are in, using satellite to update as you travel.

Included is ONE ON ONE trainer video or audio connection, directly linking you to our many skilled and able professionals ready to motivate you through your workout. Along with an equipment guide – an A to Z of all you will ever need to achieve all your fitness goals.

Expert reviews. Crash test statistics.

Discounts in online and high street retailers

Along with all this (as if you needed more of an excuse) comes discount in many online and high street retailers of some of your favourite active brands along with an exclusive ijustbiked rescue service – the app will track the location of the nearest bike shop to you and list the working hours, as well as listing cab companies in the area that can accommodate a passenger and bike.

You’re interested, right? Of course you are.

This is all included in one flat monthly fee of £34.99

So what are you waiting for? Making excuses burns zero calories per hour.