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Equipment You Need to Work Out Your Core

Equipment You Need to Work Out Your Core

Core muscles are those that strap your pelvis and trunk. They are crucial for maintaining the stability of your body. The core muscles help you stretch, reach, and bend. They are also responsible for body functions like breathing, urination, and defecation. Building core strength also protects you from lower back…Read More
3 Sports to Keep You in Shape For Summer

3 Sports to Keep You in Shape For Summer

It’s still fall but it’s the perfect time to start getting our bodies ready for the summer. Ok. Maybe we can wait until after Thanksgiving. After all, there’s no way we can turn down Grandma’s buttermilk pie. However, after the last turkey sandwich is made and devoured, it’s time to…Read More
Post-summer Workout Tips: Will You Stick with Your Plan?

Post-summer Workout Tips: Will You Stick with Your Plan?

Towards the middle of the spring, everybody seems to be preparing for their summer bodies; some by sticking to a strict diet, some by engaging in a body-sculpting workout plan, while others choose to hit those muscles on both fronts. Once the summer passes, however, the days become shorter, our…Read More

How to Improve Motivation in Biking

Some of us find biking to be a very interesting activity. It allows us to build a healthy body. At the same time, this activity also allows us to test our limits. However, some shy away from biking because they probably do not believe they can give biking the commitment…Read More
Best 50 anti ageing foods

Best 50 anti ageing foods

Many food that you eat daily or weekly in your normal diet can help you to live a prolonged, healthy life. Below I have listed some of these foods along with their benefits. Salmon The omega-3 oils in salmon will keep skin looking youthful and plump. The water in your…Read More
Looking for a fitness break?

Looking for a fitness break?

  Planning a holiday this year and want to keep your workout in mind? Here are some of the world's best fitness breaks that we've researched, so you don't have to. 38 Degrees North, Ibiza Based at the contemporary Aguas de Ibiza hotel on the edge of Santa Eularia, the…Read More
Sharpen the mind with these exercises

Sharpen the mind with these exercises

Exercise can strengthen the body, lower stress levels and ward off weight gain. However, a regular workout can also help to improve cognitive function and alter the way your brain works. Researchers at the University of Oxford have found that short bouts of exercise are among the non-pharmacological aids that…Read More
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